About Pixelscroll:

Welcome to Pixelscroll, a world of exciting digital and real-world media since 2010!

Pixelscroll’s mission is to bring our passion for finding fun and interesting media (eBooks, Apps and Games, Movies and TV, Music, Accessories and Gadgets) for our visitors to discover and enjoy–including FREE and deal-priced products as well as the latest exciting new releases.  Each day our site presents to you, our readers, visitors, fans and friends, a wide assortment of digital and real-world products you’re unlikely to find anywhere else and always with an eye toward the best pricing.

As a standard daily presentation our staff will post information about free, $0.99 and bargain-priced Kindle Books as well as our Daily Deals and the Pixelscroll Pick of the Day.  Our staff has a knack for finding products from well-known artists and creators to more obscure or brand-new content providers.  Whenever there is a deal too good to resist, you can bet you’ll find it here.

Remember though–if you find an item you’re interested in, don’t wait until later to grab it.  Many of our offers expire within 24 hours of the day they are presented.

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Founded in 2010, Pixelscroll has been serving 50,000+ followers each and every day (yes, we’re even here on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, etc.) for years and will continue to work diligently into the future to stay true to our mission, of which YOU are an important part.

Please enjoy the free service we offer, secure in the knowledge that your safety, security and peace of mind is as important to us as it is to you.


— The Pixelscrollers