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Everydayness: Intentional Practices for Seeing, Being, and Doing in a Post-Pandemic World by Mike Morrison



Are you on autopilot, letting the days control you rather than intentionally living each day?

Do you yearn for a deeper sense of purpose, which can get lost in the busyness, fragmentation, and complexity of our contemporary lives?

Are you tired of reading self-help books that end up on the shelf next to the other ones you swore would change your life?

Forget self-help gurus with their “think positive” and “mind-over-matter” messaging. In his newest release, Everydayness: Daily Practices for Seeing, Being, and Doing in a Post-Pandemic World, Michael Morrison, PhD, illuminates the research-supported and experience-inspired practices that can truly transform us.

Everydayness is the ultimate guide for those who are ready to reclaim their days with a newfound sense of appreciation, intentionality, and sensemaking that will positively shape who they will become.

Why Choose Everydayness?

In our busy, fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to find ourselves caught in cycles that can feel routine and ordinary. Missing is the necessary reflection and intention-setting that allows us to “learn our way” forward. Together we will discover how the day is the perfect container for moving from an ordinary life to an extraordinary one.

Genre: Non Fiction