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The Essential Anger Management Guide for Parents by Wilfrid Wise

INCLUDES BONUS —A super-practical guide “STRESS-FREE PARENTING TOOLKIT” that is designed to bring joy and serenity to your home!
TRANSFORM your Parenting, Nurture A Joyful Home, and Raise Confident, Disciplined Kids without Being Overtaken by Anger.
Do you feel overwhelmed when your child’s refusal to cooperate creates tension and disrupts harmony at home?
Are you struggling to find the right words to encourage your child to listen and obey, without frequent arguments and yelling?
Do feelings of guilt after losing your temper make it hard to maintain positive discipline with your child?
If you find yourself nodding along to any of these questions, take a deep breath —you’re not alone in this journey!
As parents, our bond with our children is precious, yet frustration naturally arises when they don’t seem to listen. From the pressures of work to the challenges of parenting, anger often feels like the only response. But lashing out only worsens the situation. Have you found yourself in this struggle?
Anger not only harms your own well-being, causing stress and regret, but it also deeply affects your children’s emotional development and sense of security. This destructive cycle doesn’t have to continue.
But by being here, you are taking the first step to becoming the calmest and the most understanding parent you can be. By mastering the intricacies of anger and learning constructive ways to channel it, you can handle stressful situations with your child every step of the way.
In this definitive guide, you will discover:
The Biggest Mistake made by parents that induces frustration while dealing with their child
A deep insight into the 5 Major Root Causes of Anger that are capable of unsettling even the most composed parents
The 15+ Early Warning signs of anger, so you can control it before it overpowers you
Everything modern parents should know —from Self-reflection and developing patience, to Mindful techniques for calming down your stress and managing emotions
25 most common phrases said by parents to their children that are Actually Wrong, and the Correct way of saying those words
A guide on how to deal with your child through All Ages —from toddlers (age 1-2) till they complete their college (age 19-25)
Practical tips to deal with a Violent, Aggressive, and Strong-willed child and discipline them without losing your cool
Dynamics of Positive Parenting —how to promote Emotional Intelligence in children, boost their Self-Esteem, and develop their sense of Right v/s Wrong
How to speak in a way that your kids love to listen, and listen so they love to talk to you.
Proven Ways to achieve Sustained anger management and create a happy parent-child bond
And much more.
This book doesn’t offer quick fixes. Instead, it provides a compassionate, practical roadmap by giving real-life examples, and offers lasting solutions to handle tantrums and tears, positively transforming family life.
Even if you have exploded in rage during every parenting ch