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The Politically Homeless Christian: How to Conquer Political Idolatry, Reject Polarization, and Recommit to God’s Greatest Two Commandments by Aaron Schafer


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 22:37-39
In his groundbreaking book, The Politically Homeless Christian, Aaron Schafer explores what the Bible says about how we are called to engage with the world politically, what we are instructed to look for in leaders, and how we can bring the love of God to a broken and fallen world through the way we approach politics.

How can Christians live out God’s greatest two commandments through our approach to politics?

What type of political discourse could bring people to Jesus?

How do we balance the person we are voting for and the platform they represent?

What issues did Jesus spend the vast majority of his time teaching on?

How can we base our political beliefs on a foundation of grace and love?

As followers of Jesus, we were never meant to find our home in a single political party. Our identity should be rooted firmly in Christ alone.

We should be politically homeless.

“From the first page of The Politically Homeless Christian, I was hooked. Aaron Schafer’s words both resonated with and challenged me to renew my wholehearted commitment to King Jesus and the eternal priorities of His Kingdom. It’s time for us to strip ourselves of the false identities we’ve wrapped ourselves in as American Evangelicals, and to reclaim the true identity God created us for as a people conformed to the image of His humble, self-sacrificial Son. We, the Church, must sow peace, unity, and the hope of Christ in a polarized and increasingly cynical, angry, and despairing culture. The Politically Homeless Christian can lead us there. I would encourage every thoughtful, serious Christian to read this book!”
-Anne Cody, Director of Groups at Trinity Church

“Far too often our political leanings get in the way of Christians bringing the love of Jesus to the world. The Politically Homeless Christian reminds us that we already have a ruler and we are to represent God’s kingdom here on Earth. Being politically homeless is exactly where God wants us, so that we are not conformed to this age, but transformed by the renewing of our minds. An amazing book that comes at a perfect time for this country. This was brought into my life for a reason. I highly recommend it.”
-Matt Emmorey, Best Selling Author of Where the Rubber Meets the Road: The Art of Giving Up the Things That Don’t Serve You

Genre: Non Fiction