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Dancing Souls by Kathleen M. Flanagan

Destiny was abandoned, alone and isolated … The Draconian race is trying to destroy the Earth … the Earthlings are asleep. No one other than the Creator knows the role Dorian is playing as Destiny’s protector … including her other team members. Kindness, gentleness and loving compassion were woven into Destiny’s soul. She was empathic and could hear, see, feel things beyond the physical realm. The Creator asked the questions: Who is ready for the ultimate test? Who is willing to sacrifice themselves if need be? Who would be willing to have their DNA and memory altered to ensure the success of this grand plan? What propelled Destiny to accept the question that would require her DNA to be altered and lose all knowledge of who she is, who she was? To forfeit her life … and to be reborn as something she knew was destroying the worlds. Waking up, she is born a Draconian–a race dedicated to selfishness, greed, unrest and war. Destiny is lost … can she ever be found again?