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Dancing With Hitler by C.S. Fiore-Krasnic

DANCING WITH HITLER is the story of men and women caught up in a common fate with different destinies. It seems fitting to draw comparisons with a time still globally afflicted by the crisis of Covid-19 and a conflict raging in Ukraine. The book explores the lack of military ethics and compassion by warmongering rogue leaders, forced conscription for men, death, and separation, together with loneliness and fear endured by women and children during bellicose times in history.
The narrative spans the years starting from 1938 into the early 1950. Ulrich von Auschlängen, a promising concert pianist, starts life by enrolling in the Nazi Youth Party in Vienna with the intent of making a mark for himself and his country. Soon he loses himself in its destructive reality, feeling trapped in a quagmire with no way of turning back.
All characters in the book are fictional with references to real life individuals and events.
Praise for the book
C. S. Fiore-Krasnic has put a huge amount of detailed research into this book, interweaving histories of the Channel Islands and Austria during WW2. The cinematic treatment is one that brings the chapter of history to the reader with freshness and immediacy.
Susan Stevens, journalist
The punishing and cruel events have been thoroughly researched, contrasting sharply with the beautiful, lyrical description of landscapes, giving the work a carefully rounded aspect.
Perin Hunter, author