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The Complete Daily Vagus Nerve Exercise by Matthew Rappazzo

Do you suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, digestive disorders, inflammation, or sexual dysfunction?
Are you a busy person and often can’t even remember where you parked the car your mind is so full of thoughts?
If you answered YES, read on!
In this practical book, especially suitable for those who never have a second to relax, Matthew Rappazzo will reveal how to easily access the benefits of the vagus nerve to improve dramatically the situation you find yourself in.
“Say goodbye to anxiety and depression and renew your mind with healing exercises for your body.”
A proper mental and physical renewal starts with stimulating the vagus nerve to banish the shadow of the chronic conditions you have been afflicted with for so long.
In this book, Matthew will reveal:
All the secrets of the vagus nerve, giving you a complete panorama on what it is, how to use it to your advantage, and the benefits you MUST expect, and then detailing all the exercises and how to introduce them into your day.
More than 90 activities, divided between physical exercises, therapeutic massage, stretching, yoga, and acupressure, that are easy to do and fit into your daily routine to stimulate your vagus nerve.
How to banish depression, anxiety, abdominal fat, migraine and tension headaches, chronic neck and shoulder pain, asthma and bronchitis, insomnia, menopause, and hot flashes forever.
A secret section of quick exercises that can be done in a very few minutes, even in the office. This chapter is dedicated to those who think they don’t have time in their day because they are swamped.
How diet is critical to the health of your vagus nerve. You will learn which foods to eat and which to avoid, which natural supplements are beneficial, and finally, Matthew will recommend your optimal recipes.
A 2-Week Meal Plan consists of quick, healthy, tasty, and easy-to-prepare meals that will help you take care of your vagus nerve by respecting your body and your days.
With this book, you will access naturally but, most importantly, free vagus nerve exercise. You will discover how to activate it and realign your body to relieve symptoms of disease.
Unlock the power of YOUR vagus nerve now!
All the exercises inside the book are quick and easy. They will take no more than five minutes each and induce deep generalized relaxation in your body.
Click the “BUY NOW” button to improve your mental and physical health NOW!